It's come to an end... again.
And once again, it's difficult to let go.
Last night, I watched the last episode of METASTASIS ( the Colombian edition of BREAKING BAD ). So now, I'm going through withdrawal for a SECOND time.
Walter, you'll be missed... You were a true original, and most important of all, you were HUMAN.
I repeat, HUMAN... That's what made this character so special.

Walter is the only tv character I have ever become attached to. I could identify with him on many levels, and I am sure many others felt the same way.
Some of the other characters thought they were morally superior to Walter, but they were NOT... They were HYPOCRITES.

These characters were truly three-dimensional, and the actors and actresses that portrayed them deserve every bit of praise they have received.
To the writers, directors, editors, actors, actresses, and everyone else involved with BOTH versions.... I SALUTE ALL OF YOU!
I can count the number of television shows that I've truly loved on one hand.... Those shows are TWIN PEAKS, HOMICIDE: LIFE ON THE STREET, BREAKING BAD, and it's Colombian edition METASTASIS. There are a few other shows that I really liked, but the programs I've mentioned, are the shows that will stay in my memory for a very long time.
NOTE: I did NOT count any of my favorite anthologies. Why?... because anthologies are not typical tv shows. Each episode has different characters and the stories usually have no connection. That's why I did not include personal favorites, such as NIGHT GALLERY, TWILIGHT ZONE, and a few others.

Goodbye / Adios Walter.....
Lyrics to CRYSTAL BLUE PERSUASION ( Eddie Gray / Tommy James / Mike Vale )
look over yonder...
what do you see?
the sun is a-risin
most definitely
a new day is comin... woo-hoo
people are changin
ain't it beautiful... woo-hoo
crystal blue persuasion...
better get ready
gonna see the light
love, love is the answer... woo-hoo
and that's all right
so don't you give up now... woo-hoo
it's so easy to find
just look to your soul... look to your soul
and open your mind
crystal blue persuasion.... mum-hum
it's a new vibration
crystal blue persuasion
crystal... blue persuasion
maybe tomorrow
when he looks down
on every green field... woo-hoo
and every town
all of his children
in every nation
there'll be peace and good
crystal blue persuasion... yeah...
crystal blue persuasion... a-ha.....
I am going to end this post with a Walter White / Walter Blanco style moment...

To all the AIN'T-GOT-A-LIFE-OF-THEIR-OWN-PUSSY-COWARD-INTERNET-TROLLS, your day of reckoning is coming soon..... "REMEMBER MY NAME".....