Friday, April 12, 2013

ANNETTE FUNICELLO ( 1942 – 2013 )

Annette Funicello as a mouseketeer

While two-faced hypocrites falsely praised a deceased - and VILE - female politician, most of the media FORGOT about the passing of a woman that actually made the world a BETTER place.

Her name was Annette Funicello.

She appeared in many movies and tv shows. Ms. Funicello made life a little more sane, and enjoyable, for countless millions of people around the world.

Contrast that, to what most politicians do.....

Almost every time politicians die, the media is inflicted with selective amnesia, and then the endless ass-kissing begins.

Arrogant and out-of-touch politicians are turned into angels that defecated gold when they were alive.

When in reality, they fanned the flames of hate, destroyed, and divided.

The media conveniently forgets about all the people those power-obsessed DEMAGOGS hurt, while they were in office. The same thing happened after Reagan and Nixon died.

I feel sorry for the families of the politicos, but I feel nothing for the politicians.

Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello in BIKINI BEACH

QUOTES FROM UPI ( April 9, 2013 )
"Funicello, 70, died Monday due to complications from multiple sclerosis, a disease she battled for decades"

Annette, you spread happiness throughout the world, and you'll be missed.....

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