Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Mark Romanek

Mark Romanek

Robin Williams
Connie Nielsen
Michael Vartan
Dylan Smith
Erin Daniels
Paul H. Kim
Gary Cole
Nick Searcy
Eriq La Salle

Seymour Parrish ( Robin Williams ) has no family, girlfriend or friends of any kind. He only has his job.

Nina Yorkin ( Connie Nielsen ) is William's wife and Jakob's mother. She is beautiful, somewhat shallow and likes to pretend nothing is wrong with her life.

William Yorkin ( Michael Vartan ) is Nina's betrayful husband and father to Jakob.

Jakob Yorkin ( Dylan Smith ) is Nina and William's son and the only member of the Yorkin family that seems to have his priorities in order.

Maya Burson ( Erin Daniels ) is William's shallow and arrogant mistress. She'll be punished soon for her bad deeds.

Bill Owens ( Gary Cole ) is Sy's asshole boss. He learns the hard way that you shouldn't underestimate anyone.

Sy works in the photo department of Sav-Mart. He loves his job. That's good for him. What's not good for him, is that his job can't love him back.

Sy is in love; not with one person, but with an entire family. They're called the Yorkins. Nina, Bill and their son Jakob. They're beautiful on the outside, but ugly on the inside. Jakob's parents don't seem to know the meaning of the words love and loyalty. In fact, materialism and betrayal seem to be the only words they understand.

Sy goes to his favorite restaurant to look at photos of the Yorkins. When a waitress asks him about the people in the pictures, he tells her they're his family.

He walks into his apartment and feeds his hamster, then settles down for an evening of television.

While at work he has an argument with the AGFA service man. His boss Bill doesn't take kindly to the incident. Sy is in the lunch room fantasizing about the Yorkins. Moments later Bill walks in and reprimands him.

Sy spots William Yorkin in one of the aisles and tries to help. A few minutes later William scolds Jakob for talking to Sy.

The next day Sy goes shopping at a flea market. He ends up purchasing an old photo of a woman.

Loneliness is killing Sy.

One day a woman named Maya drops off some film. She looks familiar, but Sy still can't seem to place her.

The next day Bill calls Sy into his office. He tells Sy there's "discrepancies" in his department. Bill then proceeds to fire Sy.

He has nothing. He's devastated, and falls apart at the seams. From that moment forward everything changes. Not just for him, but for everyone around him.

Nina finds photos that were meant for William's mistress, Maya. That night at dinner she doesn't even mention it to William. When Sy sees their lack of a reaction, he is infuriated.

Things are starting to spiral out of control. First Sy has a confrontation with his ex-boss Bill at Sav-Mart, then the police go to his apartment and discover his secret wall.

Sy follows Maya and William to a hotel. He finds out their room number. When Maya opens the door, he forces his way in at knife point. Sy then proceeds to force William and Maya to do things while he takes photos of them.

The cops go to the hotel. Sy makes a run for it, but he's captured.

During a discussion with detective Van Der Zee, he reveals certain horrible events from his past.

It's hard to feel too angry at Sy. Even though he did something worthy of hate. You end up feeling sorry for him. Especially when you think of the contemptuous behavior of William and Maya....

Detective Van Der Zee: "What was it about William Yorkin that upset you so? I mean, what did he do to provoke all of this?"

Nina: "Not everybody is as lucky as we are, you know? But maybe if we send them good thoughts we will make them feel better. So why don't we close our eyes and send Sy some good thoughts?"

William: "That's just fucking great, neglectful?!"

AGFA man: "I'v got three of these fuckin' machines down today!"

Bill: "If they wanted to see yelling and screaming, they'd stay at home"

Sy: "These snapshots are their little stands against time. The shutter's clicked, the flash goes off and they've stopped time just for the blink of an eye. And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this; I was here. I existed. I was young. I was happy and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture"

Sy: "What the hell's wrong with these people"

Region one
Company - Fox
Rated R
Extra #1 - Commentary
Extra #2 - Cinemax featurette
Extra #3 - Sundance: Anatomy of a scene
Extra #4 - Theatrical trailer
Extra #5 - TV commercials
Extra #6 - Trailer for DANCER UPSTAIRS
Extra #7 - Charlie Rose Show
Inserts - Yes. Contains a two sided sheet with color photos.



NO!.... This movie needs to be seen by more people.


  1. Well, you sold me. I just watched Demonlover and I wanted to know more about Connie Nielsen.

  2. I think Connie Nielsen is EXTREMELY underrated as an actress.


    I think she was also on a few tv shows.

    Just for the record, I do NOT like Robin Williams, but he really kicks ass in this movie.
